JHF Adolescent Healthcare Center

A Therapy Center For Teenagers With Autism

This outpatient healthcare center is designed specifically for teenager with autism spectrum disorder, focused on providing a comfortable and welcoming space for them to get proper treatment services through different creative therapies. This space will encourage children to get out of their comfort zone, helping them to diminish challenging behaviors, and teaching them necessary skills by guiding them to discover their own interests.


THE OCEAN is known for its ability of absorbing and transporting marine life and creating an interconnecting environment for it. Our health center, which is designed specifically for healing patients who suffer from autism spectrum, shares with the ocean those three characteristics of absorption, transportation and interconnection. The building absorbs patients’ stress and overwhelming emotions to provide a calming and relaxing feeling. Different circulation opportunities can transport patients inside the building by guiding them to the right space where they can get proper help during this consulting journey. While each space has its own unique functionality, it still interconnects with each other within the building. It even cooperates with the outside environment to enhance patients' experience.


The Piece of Life